Online Micro Teaching
I disliked sharing screens and when I read the log, I read to teach a slice of your lesson as ‘ each a slice of a lesson you would teach in your TE’, therefore my lesson was prepared for the school I was meant to go back to, where there would be no ICT, hardly any resources and therefore I created resources that could be used in a low resourced school.
I did not learn anything new, we did do ICT in 2nd year, so therefore all the online teaching tools are not new to me.
I would prepare the lesson with interactive worksheets and forms that the learners can do in the lesson, and give their feedback, I would stop and ask more questions and let the learners speak more often
Yes, my PowerPoint and lesson plan was able to be shared, and my presentation was able to be done easily, I did not teach online this year, however, I did teach online last year and yes it has made me more confident as to what’s expected of me